Monday, November 12, 2012

American Techniques of War and Iraqi Civilians

    From what I have learned so far about the American techniques during the war in Iraq, I believe that there was chaos, many failed situations, and several levels of miguided leaders. These problems were stemming from a war cabinet leading from overseas, an unstable basis of understading concerning who exactly the enemy was, the strategies that should be used to fight the enemy, who should be detained in order to extract intelligence, and what tactics were acceptable to be used to extract the intelligence. The war had begun based on miscommunications, lies, and personal agendas in 2001, and in 2003 those issues had continued to spiral the intentions and goals of the war out of control in several detrimental ways.
   Iraqis were treated inhumanely to say the least, and the tactics that were used by American soldiers in raiding and detaining appear to be similar at first glance to those used by the German Nazis during World War II. The techniques used by American soldiers were brutal, inhumane, and misguided.

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