Thursday, November 15, 2012

The film The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

   The horrendous acts of eleven United States soldiers were leaked after a soldier by the name of Darby borrowed a couple of picture files to get some memorable photos of the country. After all, the soldiers had seen several landmarks while being stationed in Iraq. The soldier was surprised to find photos of the soldiers abusing prisoners, and he turned them in to higher ranking officers. The soldier was told that he would be anonymous for his safety, yet he was given national credit by Rumseld, so Darby had to immediately leave the area in fear of retaliation.
  The eleven soldiers were punished for their crimes; the charges ranged from a demotion in rank to a ten year sentence. The soldiers strongly felt that if the photos had not leaked, noone would have been punished for the treatment of the prisoners. The eleven soldiers were at fault, however, there were definitely puppet masters from the States that were giving orders and signing consents that allowed and pushed the soldiers to behave the way that they did. In order to escape public judgement and consequences, the Department of Defense used the spiderweb of correspondences and responsilbities within the levels and departments of the Bush Adminstration to mask the truth of who was involved.

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