Monday, November 12, 2012

The "Hard Site" and the Failure of "Intelligence" at Abu Ghraib

   The "Hard Sites" were the parts of Abu Ghraib that housed the population that had intelligence of terrorism, criminal background, or insanity issues. There were six or seven guards gurding a population of 1,000 at a time. There were women and children in the population of the highest security area of the prison. The women and children were used to threaten the other prisoners and coerse them into talking.
   There was a huge amount of frustration from the intelligence officers concerning the lack of intelligence coming in from the prisoners. The answer was simple: 70-80% of the prisoners had no intelligence to give. They should not have been detained in the first place. Rumsfeld was openly frustrated with not getting intelligence as well, and seemed to blame the intelligence officers for the lack of incoming information.

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