Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Major General Geoffrey Miller, Donald Rumsfeld, Ricardo Sanchez and Interrogation Techniques

   Geoffrey Miller turned Guantanamo Bay from a functioning prison into a prison that implemented extremely harsh techniques that eventually led to the prison being shut down. There are official documents from FBI agents that witnessed the techniques that descibed prisoners nude, chained and forced to remain in a stressful position, often soiling themselves and left for almost an entire day with no food or water.
  Rumsfeld signed and approved the techniques that Geoffrey Miller used. He approved the harshest strategies for extracting intelligence in the history of the United States. He sent Miller to Iraq in August 2003 to increase the incoming intelligence from prisoners.
   When Miller arrived, he explained that the prisoners needed to be treated like dogs, and he felt the prisoners had been treated too well so far. Ricardo Sanchez sent out a memo on September 14, 2003 that explained the harsh tactics that could be used. Since the infomation and memos coming from superiors were inconsistent, the guards at Abu Ghraib were confused about tactics that were approved or not approved.

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